Minnesota Based Climbing Companies


Minnesotans are a proud people. We love the outdoors and love our communities. Here is a, ever evolving, list of Minnesota Based climbing companies. From climbing advocacy organizations to skin care companies our goal is to build a complete list of all things Minnesota Climbing. Know of a climbing related company not on this list? Send it our way and we’ll get them added!

Climbing Organizations:

Duluth Climbing Coalition: Dedicated to preserving access to Duluth’s diverse climbing resources and promoting quality climbing opportunities for enthusiasts of all disciplines.

Minnesota Climbers Association: Advocate access for climbers by encouraging responsible practices, promoting conservation and stewardship of private and publicly held lands, as well as fostering communication and awareness of the sport to the public.

Climb Duluth: Psyched Local climber, promoting climbing awareness in Duluth/Northern Minnesota.

NorthShore VertiGals: an inclusive group of women (cis and trans), trans people of all genders, and gender non-conforming climbers of all ages and levels located in Northern Minnesota and the Twin Ports.

Climbing Holds:

Escape Climbing: Climbing holds made in Minnesota

Nicros: The OG of MN climbing.

Everlast Climbing: Committed partners in the quest to improve youth fitness with climbing walls and educational climbing programs

Kumiki Climbing: A differnt approach to climbing holds: Kumiki creates all their climbing walls, volumes, hand holds and flooring with artistry and precision.

skin Care:

Hold-On Skin Care: Organic Salve for Hands and Body


Granite Creek Climbing Collective:  Apparel inspired by a love for local climbing

Climbing Gyms

Vertical Endeavors: Bouldering, Top-Rope, Sport
Locations: Minneapolis, St. Paul, Bloomington, Duluth

Minnesota Climbing Cooperative: Bouldering
Location: Minneapolis

Minneapolis Bouldering Project: Bouldering
Location: Minneapolis

The A: Bouldering
Location: Minneapolis

Roca: Bouldering, Top-Rope, Sport
Location: Rochester

Climbing Gear Recycling

CragDog: We recycle climbing gear to make quality collars, leashes and toys for the dog community while giving back to the climbing community.